From Invisibility to Inclusion (i2i) project
i2i aims to improve social, economic and employment opportunities for people with episodic disabilities (EDs) in Ontario workplaces.
Our research assesses the prevalence and employment patterns of people with EDs, and the laws, policies, and programs that address the experiences of people with EDs. We are also interested in generating new understandings of ED in the workplace. i2i is conducting online surveys and in-person interviews with both employees and employers, as well as holding arts-based digital storytelling workshops.
We will use this knowledge to develop resources to enhance employers’ and co-workers’ attitudes and perceptions, to facilitate legal and organizational change, and to advance the inclusion of people with EDs in Ontario workplaces.

What is episodic disability?
The Episodic Disabilities Employment Network (EDEN)Opens in new window defines episodic disabilities as long-term conditions that are characterized by periods of good health interrupted by periods of illness or disability. These periods may vary in severity, length and predictability from one person to another. Some common examples of episodic disabilities include multiple sclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, chronic pain, some forms of cancer, and other chronic physical and mental health conditions. Episodic disabilities are periodic — the episodes of illness come and go — and because they are often unpredictable, they can be more difficult to manage with regard to employment. For more information on some of the challenges of living with episodic disabilities, see Realize’s pageOpens in new window on the topic.