Employer Survey

The i2i Employer Survey is for employers, managers, executive directors, HR specialists, and other professionals who support employees in the workplace. It will take about 15 – 20 minutes to complete and your participation is anonymous and confidential.

The survey asks about employers’ experiences of supporting (or trying to support) employees living with episodic disabilities, conditions that are characterized by periods of good health interrupted by periods of illness or disability.

Your responses will be used to develop information and resources to help employers retain and support employees with episodic health conditions while meeting business and service objectives.

For more information about the i2i project go to our About page. You can also Contact us. If you are an employer, manager, executive director, HR specialist, or professional who supports employees in the workplace we invite you to take our Employer Survey.

Survey Results We will be post the Employer Survey results here in early 2020.